
A.1 - The Governance Scope

The Governance Scope regulates the governance processes and balance of power of the Sky Ecosystem. The Governance Scope must ensure that the resilient equilibrium of Sky Governance remains protected against all potential direct and indirect threats.
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A type of Alignment Conserver, Aligned Delegates (ADs) possess considerable influence over the Sky Protocol through their control of delegated voting power. Their primary focus is to prevent the abuse of this power, whether by themselves or others, and to safeguard the ecosystem against misaligned actions from other actors or parts of the governance process. This Article defines key infrastructure and requirements concerning Aligned Delegates.
The Facilitators must act swiftly when an AD is suspected of breaching the requirements defined in this Article, or the requirements defined in .Any Scope Facilitator has the authority to formally raise an allegation of AD misalignment with the Governance Facilitators, which then obligates the latter to initiate a formal adjudication pursuant to .A Facilitator's failure to act promptly in addressing credible evidence of AD misalignment or to mitigate the risk of misalignment spreading among ADs is considered an act of misalignment itself. Formal allegations of such failure must be adjudicated by the Governance Facilitators pursuant to the same process referenced in the above-cited document.